Daphne Margaret Campbell

The last character appearing in The Boys episode Department of Dirty Tricks is not a Supe, but rather the last member of the Campbell family. By the end of the episode, as Hugh rushes to the hospital to visit his father after his stroke, he’s greeted by a familiar voice… that of his mother, Daphne, portrayed by Rosemary Dewitt. We know that she abandoned him and her husband when Hughie was six, and that she’s the one Hughie inherited his passion for Billy Joel from. In the following episode, we also learn that she’s currently working for Vought International… not exactly the best basis for rebuilding a mother-son relationship. In the comics, Daphne Campbell is a completely different character: let’s see together.

Daphne Margaret, maiden name unknown, was born and raised in the small sea town of Auchterladle, in Scotland, the same in which her family had always resided, and in which she believed also her descendants would live. Just as everyone expected, she eventually fell in love with a local boy, Alexander “Eck” Campbell, and the two soon got married. Eck worked with his boat, Daphne took care of the house, and everything was going exactly as it had been planned for generations… apart from one small detail: no matter how much they tried, Daphne couldn’t get pregnant. Not exactly getting younger by the day, she finally resigned to the idea of being just the two of them for the rest of their life, until the night she would have always remembered as “the miracle”: some poor girl abandoned a newborn baby at the door of the local hospital, and then disappeared into the night. This was quite an event for the peaceful Auchterladle, but it was life-changing for the Campbells: they immediately signed up for adoption, and obtained the custody of the boy, who they named Hugh… or, as she would have called him for the rest of his life, Wee Hughie, and precious little miracle.

Wee Hughie grew up to be a good boy with a heart of gold, and Daphne couldn’t ask anything more from him. He did, however, made his parents worry from time to time: once, as he was playing with his two best friends, the incredibly smelly Det and the huge Big Bobby, Hughie inadvertently exposed a cigarette smuggling business, with the local pub owner Beezer Holmes at its center. This was by far the biggest and most interesting thing that had happened in Auchterladle in decades, and for a while Daphne and her family were at the center of the media’s attention, not exactly something she was used to (nor she wanted to repeat). One day, though, Hughie went out to play on the beach, and didn’t come back. At first Daphne and Eck believed him to be late, but when night came and the boy was still missing, while Det and Bobby had safely returned to their families, they obviously started worrying. Husband and wife looked for Hughie in the entire town, and were about to call the police when he finally came back, exhausted and visibly upset. He didn’t want to speak about anything that had happened, but Daphne knew how to make her boy open himself… and he told her of a dog he and his friends had been throwing rocks at, one that he had eventually hit, even if by mistake. Guilt-ridden, he had taken the poor animal and walked him two towns away, reading the address on its plate, to return it to the owner. At least, Daphne could rest easily, knowing that her boy’s good heart was still at its place.

Daphne Campbell is a good woman, if not exactly sophisticated. A small town housewife the kind of which you don’t see around anymore, she is devoted to her family, in particular to her “little miracle” Hughie, and shares a deep friendship and complicity with her husband Eck. Even if sure that life begins and ends in Auchterladle, she’s ready to see her boy spread his wings and move wherever life will take him… even if it will much further than she can imagine.


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