Alexander Fergus “Eck” Campbell

It was a pleasure to see Simon Pegg in The Boys, especially in the role of Hughie‘s father, considering that the latter was modelled after him. First seen in The Name of the Game, he is the weak-willed remissive parent of the protagonist, who lives with him and, after Robin‘s tragedy, tries to convince him to accept Vought‘s money and go on with his life, more out of cowardice than wisdom. In the comics, his role is even more limited, as he doesn’t live with his son, and he’s seen only in Wee Hughie‘s spin-off mini-series. Let’s take a look.

Born and raised in the small town of Auchterladle, in Scotland, Eck Campbell was a simple man, who loved his pipe, loved his boat, and love his land. With his whole life drawn in front of him (the same as his father’s, and his father’s father’s, and so on), he met a good girl named Daphne, and the two got married. Despite they tried, however, they weren’t able to have children of their own, and got resigned to be just the two of them… until the night of the “miracle”, when a woman abandoned her newborn in front of the local hospital’s front door. Believing it to be a sign from the heavens, Eck and Daphne decided to adopt him, and named him Hugh, or Wee Hughie, as he would have been called for all his life. Finally, they were a family. The lad was the best they could ask for, a good boy with a heart of gold, who brought joy and life to their simple house. When he grew up, he spent most of his time with two lads his age, Det, an unnaturally smelly boy, and Big Bobby, a big guy… and that’s when the boy started to make his old folks worry.

One day, during their childhood games, Hughie and the other kids actually discovered an illegal cigarette smuggling operation, and sent to jail the local pub owner who was behind it. Eck had led a tranquil and uneventful life, and this was far beyond his field of experience… but it wasn’t the worst yet. Some time after, Hughie went missing: his friends were playing with him, and then left him to come back home… and nobody saw him again. Eck and Daphne were worried sick, and didn’t know where to look for Hughie, until the boy came back on his own, later that night. He was silent and didn’t want to say anything at first, but it later came out that while he was playing with his friends he had thrown a stone to a dog and, guilt-ridden, had walked all the way to the dog’s home to take it back to its owners, who lived two towns far. Albeit worried, Eck couldn’t get angry at another testimony of his boy’s good heart, and simply gave another one of his usual pieces of advice, of course without being listened. Years passed quickly, and his boy moved to Glasgow, a young man now. He would have come back home years later, in his darkest time, to be with his family… but he would have brought a bit of that darkness along to Auchterladle.

Eck Campbell is a simple and good man, who lives in a small and simple town, with a caring a simple wife. Wise as only an old fisherman can be, he tries to be of support to his only child, Hughie, even if the latter can’t stand the fact that his old man still sees him as the boy he was rather than the man he is. Despite this eventually drove them apart, there’s no way of breaking the love bond between them.


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