Doctor Mindbender (Brian Binder)

The last character popping out in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is little more than a cameo, but quite meaningful for the fans. During the flashback on the Doctor‘s origins, we learn that while storming M.A.R.S. Industries facility Rex Lewis found the lab where the Nanomite Program was being developed… and he also found its creator, Dr. Mindbender, portrayed by Kevin J. O’Connor. Mindbender manages to intrigue Rex with his research, and he’s the one who turns him to the “dark side”. The original Mindbender is quite a powerhouse compared to this meek scientist: let’s see together.

It’s hard to tell by looking at the maniacal Dr. Mindbender, but once he was a kind-hearted and caring orthodontist, an American specialist named Brian Binder. Moved by a strong empathy, Dr. Binder understood that his job was to relieve people from pain, and thus he consecrated his remarkable brain to finding a solution to toothache. His scientific interest was already multifaceted and quite ambitious, and instead of looking for new drugs or for local remedies, Dr. Binder looked directly at the source of pain: the brain itself. If it was the brain the one that generated dental pain, then the doctor had to intervene on it to cease it: he started studying neuroscience, neurology and even engineering, and all his researches led him to create a machine that, through electric brainwave stimulation, could freed his patients from the gravest pain. Of course, the tool had to be tested first, and in the name of science, as well as to protect his patients in case something went wrong, Dr. Binder tested it on himself. Something went wrong indeed, albeit he didn’t see it that way: the machine went haywire, and it caused a massive brain damage to the good doctor. His sense of self, his bodily and psychic functions and even his scientific knowledge remained intact, but his personality was radically mutated. According to him, the machine opened his eyes to the true nature of the world and of people, and he finally understood the indomitable cruelty moving everything. Rejecting his previous gentleness and empathy, he decided to use his remarkable talents to operate on the world itself, changing it as if it was a colleague’s faulty work. His expertise with brainwaves would have been useful, as he now aimed at intervening on people’s minds, altering their will and personality. Dr. Brian Binder was dead, Dr. Mindbender was ready to take his place.

“Mad scientist” wasn’t exactly a strong point on his resume, but luckily for him there was someone who had just a place for him in their midst: Cobra, the global terrorist organization. Cobra’s lead scientist, Doctor Venom, had just been killed by his former ally Kwinn, and Cobra Commander was looking for a replacement just as brilliant. With Dr. Mindbender he hit the jackpot, as he was even more skilled, ambitious and efficient than Venom was. In the time before his recruitment, Mindbender had expanded his field of expertise, and he had tackled almost every science that allowed him some kind of manipulation over anything, being it organic or inorganic: as a calling card, he developed for Cobra the Battle Android Troopers, or B.A.T.s, a mass-produced robotic infantry that would have become Cobra’s main troops, easily replaced cannon fodder that could pack quite a punch. Needless to say, Cobra Commander was quite happy with the “gift”, and he immediately nominated Dr. Mindbender his primary science officer. This way, Mindbender could have access to the one thing he really wanted from Cobra: Dr. Venom’s Brainwave Scanner, a wonderful “toy” that allowed him to probe people’s minds, looking for certain information they wished to keep secret, repaying silence with an insufferable pain. Mindbender perfected his predecessor’s creation, and pushed it even further: not only the Scanner could read people’s thoughts and force confessions, it could now rewrite their personality, turning former enemies into loyal subordinates… something that Cobra Commander was particularly grateful for, as he used it frequently on his rogue lieutenants Baroness and Destro. Then, working on cloning and genetic manipulation, Mindbender embarked in yet another extremely ambitious project: he sent Cobra soldiers around the world’s most famous tombs, and fused the DNA they retrieved, belonging to some of history’s greatest warriors such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar or Genghis Khan, into the perfect soldier, Serpentor. He had finally created life: as a god, he could now truly rewrite the universe to his liking.

Brian Binder used to be a gentle soul devoted to serve mankind, but he’s now a psychopathic mass-murderer who uses science to spread violence, onslaught and chaos. As Dr. Mindbender, he’s an undisputed genius, with expertise in engineering, biology, neurology, medicine, genetics, and possibly something more; physically augmented himself, he is as strong, fast and agile as the top trained soldier, and he can proficiently use many weapons, many of his own creation; his most terrifying ability comes from his study of the human mind, as he can easily turn friend against friend or transform the kindest man into a brutal maniac just by pushing a button. One of Cobra’s greatest assets, Dr. Mindbender is completely deranged, of course, but he’s also one of the greatest minds on the planet: a nihilistic madman with the power of a god in his hands.


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