Molecule Master (Barnabas Wolfe)

To find the last new characters from the comics appearing in the first season of Jupiter’s Legacy we have to move to episode five, What’s the Use?, starting with one of the most memorable secondary characters, both in the comics and in the series: Barnabas Wolfe, portrayed by Paul Amos. In the episode, he’s a somewhat snobbish superhero who helps Brainwave and Paragon with their autopsy on Blackstar clone’s corpse, and he never loses a chance to mock the other two heroes, or to flirt with Lady Liberty. In the comics, his role in the story is much different, albeit his look is quite the same. Let’s take a look.

Barnabas Wolfe had always been highly intelligent, much more than the average person, and he never made a secret of it. With a brain such as his own, he prized himself with knowing all the time where his best interest laid, and he always took good care of himself. A superhuman with the uncanny ability of manipulating non-organic matter on a molecular level, he became the Molecule Master, a genius superhero who more than once helped the fabled Union of Justice with his impossibly intricate plans. He didn’t have much fun in doing it, though, and was never dashing enough for the glamour magazines. The life as the Molecule Master was dull… but it wasn’t meant to last. As long as the heroes played by the old rules, it was all little more than a game: villains could do anything they liked, and they could always confide that the heroes would have always tried to find a “smart way” to imprison them without harming them; when The Utopian and Lady Liberty got killed in a coup, however, things changed forever, and in the new regime controlled by Brandon Sampson and Brainwave there was no room for games. Barnabas Wolfe was among the first ones who understood just how much the situation had changed, and he immediately dropped the alias, presenting himself to the White House and offering his services to the newly established government. Brainwave was no fool, and knew just how useful and reliable a man of Barnabas’ abilities and intellect could be, so he more than gladly recruited him in his new police force with the rank of Major. From the first days of the regime, Major Wolfe was put in charge of the Anti-Terror Unit, to find the many unlicensed superhumans (aka those not loyal to the regime) who were still hiding everywhere in the world after the coup, a task quite easy for one who rightfully claimed to be the Sherlock Holmes of the superhuman community.

During the following nine years, Major Wolfe located, exposed and captured dozens of former superheroes and supervillains all by himself, filling the Super Max with opponents to the regime. In Melbourne, Australia, he interviewed an anonymous company claims supervisor, a lady named Joan Wilson, who he believed to be something more. Wilson had never seen a doctor in the previous seven years, never paid for heating bills, never used trains nor cars: the woman had perfectly good explanations for all those questions… but those were just a distraction, as while they spoke, Barnabas had changed the air molecules in the room into methoxyflurane, a knockout gas that had put all non-superhumans to sleep, while the two of them were clearly still awake. Joan Wilson was actually Shelley Weaver, aka Skyscraper, one of the wanted ex-supercriminals. She tried to escape exactly from the window Wolfe had expected, and he turned the street’s and the glass’ molecules into a sticky substance that incapacitated the now gigantic woman. As Skyscraper was arrested and locked in a giant-sized cell in the Super Max, Wolfe continued his hunt: strange superhuman activities had been reported in the area, as a storm cloud had appeared out of nowhere to put down a massive fire. As the numbers of weird savings increased, Wolfe went forensic with the satellite footage… and he found a reflection in a single raindrop, the reflection of a young boy dressed in the Utopian’s colors: he was not one of the twenty-eight remaining wanted fugitives, but his compulsive streak of altruism was the perfect bait for organizing a face-to-face meeting. He attacked the Harbour Bridge, dressing his soldiers as innocent commuters about to drown, and waiting… and the boy inevitably came. Wolfe easily incapacitated him, but as he was about to arrest him, the boy called for his mother… who came: she was Chloe Sampson, the most wanted woman on the planet, and Barnabas had just found the bonus he had been waiting for all those years.

Barnabas Wolfe is a brilliant man, a genius with incredible deductive capabilities, who found the work of a superhero extremely boring and unchallenging for an intellect such as his own. As the Molecule Master, he possesses a good degree of superhuman strength and durability, but his greatest ability is that of manipulating inorganic matter on a molecular level, rearranging it as he sees fit: he can change air itself into solid matter, walking on it, change objects into others, or make matter change its state. With a power such as his own, and an intellect to match, Barnabas Wolfe is one of the most powerful and dangerous superhumans on the planet, one who has found his true calling in being the hunter of his former colleagues and enemies for a regime finally led by someone with a mind matching his own, Brainwave, possibly the one person on the planet he considers his equal.


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