Ikiaq & Munaqsriri

Just finished watching the final season of Sweet Tooth (do yourself a favor and read the original comic), and there are indeed a couple of other characters from the comics who appear. They pop up around for the entire season, but their identity is fully revealed in episode six, Here, There Be Monsters. One is an Inuit woman named Ikiaq, portrayed by Jamie Harcharek, while the other is her son, the legendary Caribou Man whose real name is Munaqsriri, and who’s portrayed by Nathaniel Lees as an old man. The two are connected to the origin of the Sick, and the second one in particular is a guardian to the cave everything originated from, and of the World Tree hidden there. In the comics the two are unnamed, so we’ll use the show’s ones as we did in the past… and unfortunately, their story is much more tragic. Let’s see together.

Ikiaq was born in modern Alaska, member of a tribe of Inuit people who had lived in those frozen deserts for millennia. She lived among her people for her entire life, and rarely had contacts with anyone from the outside, until a British expedition reached her people’s land. They were missionaries, Christians who built a Jesuit Mission not far from their village. The foreigners built a church, some barracks, and from there they started visiting from time to time, trying to convert them to their religion. They were all the same, people who believed to be coming from the only civilized world, eager to bring modernity and wisdom to illiterate savages… but one of them was different: his name was Louis Simpson, and after some days during which he acted exactly as his peers, he seemed to become more and more fascinated by the people he had come to convert. Ikiaq acted as his guide to the culture, traditions and religion of her people, and little by little she won him over by showing him how peaceful and graceful they already were, even without their alphabet and their god. Louis decided to abandon his fellow missionaries and side with the Inuit, and eventually he and Ikiaq fell in love. The two got married, and Louis rejected all his life from before… but there was much he still didn’t know, and his ignorance proved to be fatal: while hunting, he stumbled upon a cave in sacred ground, one that only the shamans were allowed to enter. He got in, and unwillingly desecrated the tomb of Tekkietsertok, the God of Deer and Hunting… a god who was not pleased.

It was 1911, and Ikiaq’s people feared the moment Tekketsertok would have presented his price to pay. Soon after that, Ikiaq realized she was pregnant, and it was through her that the god showed how he would have punished humanity for the desecration: she gave birth to a baby boy, who however wasn’t a regular human, as he carried the traits of the deer god on his body. The shaman examined the boy, and declared that he had indeed been marked by Tekketsertok: his appearance, however, wasn’t the only defining characteristic of the baby, as he carried also the god’s breath, that would have annihilated humanity to make space for a worthier species to inherit the Earth, purging the world from human evil. Ikiaq, Louis and the rest of the tribe accepted this… but some months later came people who did not. Louis was missed at home, and the one who would have become his brother-in-law had he stayed, Dr. James Thacker, had led an expedition to find him. Louis had tried to send the men away, but had failed… and eventually Thacker, Captain Jasper and the others found out about Munaqsriri, their son. Thacker and his men left the camp, and this was all for them… but they came back a few days later in forces, and this time they were not peaceful. Thacker had no intention of letting a pagan god eradicate humanity, so he had his men slaughter the entire village. Ikiaq tried to escape with the boy, but she was grabbed by her hair, hit in the head and then shot in the face. Munaqsriri was taken, still crying and screaming, by Thacker himself, who brought him to the cave, threw him in and buried him alive, sealing the entrance. It was too late, though: through the baby, the god’s breath had already started to work on the men on their way back to England

Ikiaq and Munaqsriri, mother and son, are the heralds of a new world, that from the icy plains of Alaska promises to reshape life on the entire planet. Innocent as they come, they live in peace with nature and its laws, accepting whatever the gods decide for them and always finding a way to be in harmony with all the living creatures… but their way is not the way of the world, and none of them will live to see the future they are preparing.

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