Lodestone (Rhea Jones)

The last member of the original Doom Patrol appeared in Doom Patrol episode Doom Patrol Patrol (this is quite a tongue-twister) is also the least used one. The original trio of superheroes, retired and hiding, includes another woman, Rhea Jones, portrayed by Lesa Wilson in her youthful form, and by an unknown actress in her elderly one. Not much is shown about Rhea, and even regarding her powers we only see her controlling some knives and other metal objects, hinting at magnetism-based abilities. In the comics, this particular power goes much deeper than the show would suggest, and Rhea, aka Lodestone, is one of the most powerful Doom Patrol members ever. Also, she’s not entirely human. Let’s see together.

Rhea Jones was the daughter of a United States Air Force officer entrusted with delicate top secret missions. Since she was born, her father often left to travel the world in unspecified assignments, and Rhea stayed with her mother. When she was a child, though, her mother died in a car accident, and Rhea was entrusted to her father, started traveling with him from base to base. During one of these missions, the Jones’ were sent to a secret base in the Arctic, where the government was experimenting on a new electromagnetic generator. One day, as the entire base was panicking, Rhea learnt that the generator had malfunctioned, and that her father had volunteered to shut it down; fearing of losing him too, the kid sneaked into the generator room to stop her father, but she was too late: the experimental generator exploded in a radioactive electromagnetic burst, and her father was torn to pieces… but she was not. When she woke up, the explosion had stimulated her Meta-Gene, and she had developed special abilities connected to Earth‘s magnetic field, which she could channel to increase her own physical skills. Needless to say, alone in a military base, Rhea became the object of the experiments of the entire crew of military scientists there, and they didn’t even allow her to mourn the loss of her family before subjecting her to endless tests and exams. Obviously, on the first occasion, she escaped from the base, and used her talents to join a nomadic circus, becoming known as “the strongest little kid alive”. After some year with the circus, she was found by someone who was interested in letting her explore and develop her abilities: Arani Desai, leader of the new incarnation of the Doom Patrol.

Along with Scott “Blaze” Fischer and Wayne “Karma” Hawkins, Rhea Jones was one of the new recruits of the Doom Patrol, and she received the codename Lodestone. Thanks to Arani, Lodestone learnt a lot about her powers, and pushed herself to her limits to see how much she could strengthen herself using the energy of the planet’s magnetic field, but by doing this she connected herself to Earth much more than she realized. When the alien Dominators attacked Earth, they struck with a powerful Metagene Bomb, that made Rhea lose control of her powers, and then fall into a seemingly irreversible coma. While she was senseless, Rhea was kidnapped by a curious interdimensional being known as Red Jack, and while the Doom Patrol tried to free her, she saved herself by momentarily awakening and stabbing Jack in the back with his own knife. After this event, The Chief studied her condition deeper, and he found out that she wasn’t simply in a coma: she was undergoing a metamorphosis, with her human form being a simple chrysalis now, and a pupa ready to burst out of it. She finally completed her transformation, revealing herself as a real Lodestone: a being born from Earth’s magnetic field and deeply connected with it. She didn’t have any facial feature now, and her eyes was on her chest and back, while her ears were twinkling lights; she didn’t even walk anymore, as she now constantly floated above the ground. Lodestone seemed to be unconcerned by her new appearance or by the reaction of her teammates, and she only cared of completing her connection with the planet. An alien race, the Geomancers, were of other advice though: they had been waiting for Rhea’s awakening to use her to win their long war against the Orthodoxy, and they kidnapped her and the Rebis to weaponize her new powers. Lodestone, however, wasn’t so easily manipulated now, and she had a much more important destiny to seek now, to pay attention to all the fuss those mere mortals were making around her…

Rhea Jones used to be a young woman like many others, with her fair share of dreams, passions and pain to carry, but she’s now something else entirely, an ethereal being who seems to be aware of a greater destiny waiting for her in the stars. As Lodestone, she can tap into the planet’s magnetic field to fly, to attract or repel metal objects, to create force fields and to increase her strength and durability to superhuman levels, but after her transformation all her abilities received a massive boost, and it’s unknown what she’s actually capable of now (to say one thing, she can survive into the void of space). A unique being who’s more an embodied cosmic force than a mere human, Lodestone has all the wisdom and the detachment of a living planet, a being with an awareness that puts her on an entirely different level than the mortals she’s been calling friends prior to her metamorphosis.


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