Hellstorm the Son of Satan (Daimon Hellstrom)

At long last, Hulu released a first batch of pictures from the upcoming tv series Helstrom (an “L” less from the comics), and we got a good look at many of the main characters. The first we’re going to see is obviously the protagonist, Daimon Helstrom, portrayed by Tom Austen. In the show, he will be the son of a notorious serial killer, and a professor of ethics. He became an exorcist, along with his sister Ana, after his father came back form the grave to torment him. In the comics, his profile his quite different, and his moniker Hellstorm the Son of Satan implies quite well that he’s not originally the son of a random serial killer, but of a more serious and existential threat. The exorcist part is right, though. Let’s take a look at one of the most popular supernatural anti-heroes from the Marvel Universe.

Born in Greentown, Massachusetts, Daimon Hellstrom grew up with his parents and his little sister in a beautiful house on Fire Lake. His family was not a normal one, though: his mother was member of a Satanist cult, Victoria Wingate, while his father was Marduk Kurios, a powerful demon who had presented himself as Satan himself, and who had taken human appearance to sire children. Daimon’s sister, Satana, was her father’s favorite, and was fully aware of her heritage, while Daimon was mostly left with his mother, “infected” by her humanity. When the boy was little more than a kid, something happened between Victoria and her husband, and the woman went completely mad: she was institutionalized, while her husband disappeared, back to his kingdom. The two Hellstrom siblings were entrusted to different orphanages, and grew up apart. Daimon’s orphanage was run by Jesuits, and during his permanence the boy discovered quite a passion for studying, and a deep faith. Most of his childhood memories he dismissed as nightmares or childish fantasies, but he held onto the thought of a lingering, absolute evil that wanted to take over the world, one that he had to fight with all means possible: he studied hard and became a professor of anthropology, and he eventually entered a seminar, aiming to become a priest. All the while, Daimoin kept visiting his delirious mother, who insisted on giving him amulets, crosses and ankhs to protect him from his father. Victoria died when her son was about to be ordained, an event that forced the young man to suspend his studies to take care of family business. With his mother’s death, the young man had inherited the family house on Fire Lake, and there he went to take care of whatever unfinished business Victoria may have had. What he found, instead, hidden behind a wall, was his mother’s diary, a careful and detailed report of her time within the sect, and especially of her marriage with the one she believed to be Satan: reading it, Daimon learnt of his true origins, and finally was able to put in place all the surreal memories he had from his childhood. If he needed any more confirmation of the fact that he was the son of a devil, an inner voice led him to the house’s secret basement, where he crossed a portal: a moment he was in Massachusetts, the moment after he was in Hell.

The voice belonged to his father, who had perceived his son’s presence in the house, and had led him to his kingdom to finally offer him his destined place by his side. Tempted with unlimited power and eternal life, Daimon was spurred to cast aside his mother’s ankh, and his old birthmark, an inverted pentagram, reappeared on his chest, along with other demonic traits like claws and fangs. He was his father’s son… but he was also his mother’s: knowing that aiding Marduk would have doomed humanity to eternal suffering, Daimon Hellstrom rebelled to his father, and stole from him a powerful relic, the Netheraneum Trident, that imbued the power of Hell itself, and a chariot pulled by three demonic horses, that he used to escape. Once back on Earth, Daimon used the trident to close the portal in the Fire Lake house’s basement, hopefully sealing his father away for a time. He knew, however, that Satan’s influence on the world was widespread, and closing a gate wouldn’t have stopped him: he needed to protect mankind from him. First, however, Hellstrom had to know himself better, so he abandoned his resolution to become a priest and started studying again, learning everything there was to learn about occultism, demonology, and exorcisms. As the ankh wasn’t protecting him anymore, Hellstrom had also to confront his Darksoul, his demonic energy that, albeit it threatened to corrupt him and turn him into the Antichrist he was destined to be, it was also a source of great power: with his studies, he was finally able to master it, tapping to its power while limiting its corrupting influence. With all the knowledge, power and skills he needed, Daimon reinvented himself as Hellstorm, occult investigator and defender of humanity, and naming himself the Son of Satan he publicly challenged his father, posing as an obstacle to the demon’s plans of conquest and destruction. Using the tools stolen from Marduk Kurios, Hellstorm battled his minions and agents, ancient demons such as Baphomet and even his sister, Satana, corrupted by Marduk and turned into a minion of Hell. The Son of Satan also joined forces with other paranormal heroes, such as Ghost Rider, and eventually joined the Defenders, to improve his chances of stopping his father: the war between Earth and Hell had just reignited, and the Son of Satan was the only one who could tip the scale in it.

Daimon Hellstrom is the son of two warring worlds, and he constantly lives in the balance between the two, drawn to fight for Hell, but desperately wanting to protect Earth instead. As Hellstorm the Son of Satan, his Darksoul (the demonic equivalent of a human soul) grants him superhuman strength and durability, a natural affinity with magic, and the possibility to summon hellfire; his Netheranium Trident allows him to channel his demonic powers into powerful energy blasts, as well as to fly and to open portals to other dimensions; he possesses also other mystic relics, such as the chariot pulled by the three demonic horses Hecate, Amon and Set (then replaced by a single demonic horse, Iblis), the Grimorium Verum, an ancient book of magic that grants him mastership over hundreds of spells, or the Necromanteion, a crystal that allows him to see the future. A devilish prince who denied his infernal heritage, Hellstorm is one of the world’s greatest exorcists, an occult detective drawn to supernatural events like a moth to the flame: when it comes to fight fire with fire, there is nobody better than the Son of Satan to battle demonic forces.