Prez Rickard

The last, heartbreaking episode of Stargirl delivered quite a solid storyline, confirming the show to be among the best ones around (hoping it will maintain this quality moving to The CW next season…), and it also hid a couple of great Easter eggs. In the opening flashback scene, during Pat‘s and Barbara‘s first meeting, the Blue Valley movie theater displays some interesting posters on the outside. One of them is for a film called Prez, and it features a picture of the protagonist, the first teenager President of the United States of America. Everything in the poster calls for a comedy, but who knows Prez Rickard and his story, knows that “comedy” isn’t exactly the first word coming to mind: let’s see together.

Prez Rickard was born in Steadfast, the typical small Middle American town, son of Martha Rickard, who named him Prez dreaming that one day her son would become President. Idealistic and generous, when he turned 16 Prez decided to take care of the main problem of his town, that everybody acknowledged but nobody ever solved: all clocks in Steadfast were out of sync, so much that the inhabitants heard a constant chiming. Single handedly, Prez fixed them all, becoming some sort of a local hero. In the meantime, it was 1972, and the 26th Amendment from 1971, that had lowered the minimum vote age to 18, was followed by a 27th Amendment, that allowed citizens from 18 years old to be elected to public offices. The popularity of Prez Rickard gathered the attention of Boss Smiley, a creepy political boss who offered him to run for the Senate: the boy accepted the offer, and was indeed elected, but when Smiley offered him the Presidency in exchange for his servitude, he realized that there was much at stake. Inspired by a new friend of his, Native American Eagle Free, Prez refused Smiley’s offer this time, and stated that he would have run on his own terms: with honesty, enthusiasm, and the will to actually intervene in any situation he could. 45% of voters in the country were under 30, and Prez’s way of speaking, his ideas and his freshness conquered most of them: against all odds, he won, becoming President of the United States of America at 19 years old. His sister was appointed secretary, while his mother was chosen as his Vice President. Many believed his presidency to be a joke, but the boy believed that the pledge of allegiance was much more than words, and meant to act. Also former President Richard Nixon tried to convince him that presidency was all about power, and that he needed the right connections to do anything, but Prez had faith in the strength of his ideas. He appointed Eagle Free as the new director of the FBI, and started his Truth-and-Love campaign, winning the hearts of the youth of the Nation… and the enmity of almost all the older citizens, hellbent on defending the status quo.

Prez and Eagle Free traveled the world, and disgusted by all the violence they saw Prez addressed the UNO, demanding peace for the world. Soon after, Prez found himself in quite an odd situation, having to mediate between an American and a Russian group of evil chess players, terrorists who had taken the White House hostage. This was the first, but definitely not the last menace he faced: while he solved international crisis, stopped the arms race and pacified the Middle East, Prez had to fend off the Minute Men, a far right militia led by Gregor Washington (great-great-great-great-great-grandnephew of George Washington), the legless vampire Count Dracula the First and his minion, Ambassador Wolfman, and of course Boss Smiley, who kept contacting him, asking for his submission. The most dangerous enemies of all, though, President Rickard found when he finally empowered a policy on gun control, causing many lobbyists, politicians and extremists target him. One assassination attempt he survived thanks to the intervention of Supergirl, who managed to save him and hide him in the Fortress of Solitude thwarting the plan of the evil scientist Master Killer and his fellow witch Hepzibah; another assassination attempt, right in front of the Capitol, he survived thanks to Eagle Free’s intervention. At the end of his first mandate, Prez Rickard had changed America for good, but there was a lot of more work to do: he meant to run for reelection, and the fact the Boss Smiley appeared to him trying to dissuade him from doing it only confirmed him in his decision. Unfortunately, during the campaign, yet another assassination attempt claimed the life of Kathy, his fiance, shot by a deranged woman obsessed with Ted Grant. Upon hearing that the murderer was mentally unbalanced, Prez again tried to give the good example to his country and offered her clemency, but the killer refused it, choosing the electric chair instead. His act of forgiveness, however, struck the heart of the Americans, and he was elected once again. Boss Smiley appeared one last time, offering him to resurrect Kathy in exchange of his servitude: even this time, Prez refused, and completed his second mandate in relative tranquility, completing many much needed reforms. When his presidency was over, Prez quietly came back to Steadfast, and then started traveling the country incognito: there was still much good to do, and so little time.

Prez Rickard is an idealist, honest, enthusiast young man, a unique politician who always says only the things he truly thinks, who has a strong moral code, and who’s determined to take initiative on every issue he can. A charismatic leader with enough brain to support his values and projects with strong strategies, Prez is uncompromising in his pursuit of “love and peace”, dreams that he’s more than determined to fulfill, despite the opposition of powerful people and threatening lobbies. A President like no other, Prez Rickard will lead America and the world to a new dawn free of violence, of hunger, of poverty, of racism, of bigotry, of intolerance… if he can make it alive to the end of his reforms, of course.

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