The Brain

We have also several trailers on our hands, the first of which is that for the new season of Doom Patrol… that looks absolutely bonkers as usual. In the trailer, we get a first look as several upcoming villains, most notably The Brain, one of the historical enemies of the Doom Patrol in the comics. In Season One, we already saw that among Mento‘s souvenirs there is also the robotic Ultimax, a giant mecha used by the Brain, but he claimed that the Brain himself had escaped: well, there he is, ready to give some headache to his nemesis, the Chief. Ahead of his live action debut, however, let’s see who he is in the comics.

Once, the Brain was a brilliant French scientist, specialized in the enhancement of inferior creatures’ brain capabilities. In his experiments, he made animals smart as humans, and his greatest triumph was a gorilla, Monsieur Mallah, who grew to be actually much smarter than most people. One of the man’s colleagues, however, was Dr. Niles Caulder, and he had an agenda of experiments of his own… one that usually involved some lethal “accidents” that left his test subjects in desperate need of his salvific intervention. Jealous of his colleague’s successes, Caulder decided to use him as a lab rat for his own research, and he orchestrated an explosion that completely destroyed the scientist’s body; the brain, however, was still intact, and Dr. Caulder planned on inserting it into a robotic body (an experiment he would have replicated with more success with the poor Robotman). Luckily for the scientist, Monsieur Mallah was indeed smart, and he managed to “steal” the brain from Caulder’s clutches, and to take it to safety. He then proceeded to connect it to a computer network, and brought it back to life… if of life someone could actually speak. Slowly but steadily, the creature who now referred to himself only as The Brain devised a way to communicate, and from there on he started planning his revenge against the man who had taken everything away from him: Niles Caulder. Caulder, however, had meanwhile become a hero to the eyes of the world: he was The Chief, the heroic leader of the Doom Patrol… actually poor souls he had created with “accidents” not different from the one he had orchestrated for The Brain himself. If The Chief was the hero of the story, however, The Brain was ready to be the villain to obtain revenge: he hid with Mallah under a school in Paris, and there he founded his Brotherhood of Evil.

Despite the laughable name, the Brotherhood of Evil was quite a serious threat, and The Brain was more than determined to succeed: with Monsieur Mallah and their first recruit, the shapeshifter Madame Rouge, the group made quite a name for themselves, and were eventually (albeit briefly) joined by General Immortus and by the alien Garguax. At first, the group only targeted the Doom Patrol, but then something happened that prompted The Brain to prioritize the creation of a new body for himself: he fell in love with Mallah, and he was quite eager to be able to consummate their relationship. Wanting a body worthy of his superior mind, The Brain targeted the Justice League of America, the latest super-group formed, and with a Genetic Splicer of his own invention he built a patchwork body “stealing” Martian Manhunter‘s eyes, Green Lantern‘s arm (and Power Ring), The Flash‘s legs and Black Canary‘s vocal cords. The plan would have been successful if not for the intervention, again, of The Chief, who provided the heroes with cybernetic implants to replace their missing organs, and led them against the Brotherhood, with Aquaman shredding the artificial body to pieces. After this misadventure, The Brain decided to use his talents for something more remunerative: after a battle with the Teen Titans, he successfully collected a sample of Beast Boy‘s blood, and from it he cloned a defective copy, affected by progressive cellular degeneration… but good enough to be put on the black market. Wealthy clients were willing to pay to have, even temporarily, a superhero to play with, and The Brain was there to satisfy the demand, becoming extremely rich. He even managed to clone Superman at one point, but the result was so powerful he wasn’t sure how anybody could have controlled it. He wasn’t a businessman, however, and with time he became increasingly depressed… enough to worry his lover Monsieur Mallah, who started searching for a new body, a gift for his beloved.

The Brain is an extremely intelligent man, an absolute genius now consumed by rage and thirst for revenge, prone to depression due to his unique, helpless state. Once a capable scientist, master of robotics, biology, engineering, psychology, physics and many other fields, he’s now totally dependent on the machines he himself builds to keep himself alive as a brain in a jar; he sometimes uses huge robots, such as Ultimax, to move around, but most of the time he relies on the help of others; when cornered, he can use some psychic abilities, such as telepathy, mind control and even telekinesis, but these skills easily exhaust him, and he uses them only as a last resort. A living scientific experiment, crippled by the maliciousness of a man the worlds sees as a hero, The Brain can only mourn over the life he lost, and fight against all odds to get the revenge he so long dreamt of.