Tao Jones

Not only the last episode of Stargirl disrupted all my predictions and theories about who’s spying on the heroes and villains of Blue Valley, but it also introduced a bunch of characters from the comics who’ll no doubt make their presence felt. As the Helix Institute tightens its security in Infinity Inc. Part Two, we get a look at the other kids kept in there, starting with Tao Jones, a reading girl portrayed by Andie Ju. If you want to know who this girl is in the comics, just read further!

Tao Jones’ mother was one of the many patients of Dr. Love, a deranged gynecologist who secretly performed experiments on her child while in her womb. As all the ones who survived the experiments, also Tao was born with metahuman powers, and she was abducted by Love as soon as she came to light. Love brought the kids to a secret facility in California, where he raised them isolated from the rest of the world: the kids grew without knowing anything and anyone other than Dr. Love and each other. After becoming teenagers, the six kids found Love’s diary, and learnt the truth about their origin: they voted to kill their kidnapper, and entrusted their big “brother” Mr. Bones to do it. When the deal was done, they decided to keep the monikers the doctor called them with, and to go out in the world together: Tao Jones, Mr. Bones, Kritter, Arak Wind-Waker, Baby Boom and Penny Dreadful were now Helix… and since they needed money to survive and had no moral sense at all, they decided to start big and try going rogue. For first, Helix kidnapped Fury and Silver Scarab, asking from their fellow heroes of Infinity, Inc. a ransom… but they had tragically underestimated the power of a team of well-trained superheroes, and they were soundly defeated. Tao Jones and the others then used Love’s diary to track down the two remaining kids who he had experimented on, Carcharo and Wildcat, finding only the former, who joined them. Carcharo brought indeed a lot of power to the team, but he was also violent and unstable, and eventually turned on them: he ate Mr. Bones’ leg, dying for the acid it naturally exuded. Wanting to save their big brother’s life, Tao Jones and the other members of Helix decided to turn themselves in, exchanging their freedom with healthcare for the one who had led them up to that point.

After the misadventure with Carcharo, the team officially disbanded, and Tao Jones found herself alone for the first time in her life. She didn’t go to prison, since she was too young, and became a ward of State. She underwent psychological therapy for a while, learning a bit more about socialization, human bonding, relationships, but she still didn’t know how to survive in the world without using her powers. Since heroing around didn’t pay, she was recruited by the sorceress Circe along with her “sister” Penny Dreadful into a massive team of villainesses, that however was defeated by the just as many heroines led to battle by Wonder Woman. After that, Tao finally tracked her biological mother, and reunited with her just to find out she had ovary cancer, possibly a result of Dr. Love’s experiments. Still wanting to get money to pay for her mother’s treatment, but refusing to turn to crime again as she would have risked leaving her mom alone, she became a paid informant for Jefferson Pierce in Metropolis, selling him any sort of information she could on the world of supervillains. Pierce, who knew her situation, gladly kept her among many other informants, and paid her even if she didn’t always bring useful intel, such as when she told him that Cavalier and Captain Stingaree were secretly homosexual and were sleeping together. Being an informant didn’t pay much, though, and before she knew it Tao Jones found herself attempting a criminal career again, only to be arrested and be brought to Belle Reve prison for metahumans. Here, another opportunity presented itself, and she accepted to do a mission for Amanda Waller, who promised to her freedom and anything she could possibly want… if she survived being part of the Suicide Squad, of course.

Tao Jones is an unfortunate young woman, a sociopath with no sense of living in a society who tries any way she can to find a place in the world. Her metahuman powers allow her to project a force field that reflects any attack aimed at her, and she is constantly surrounded by an aura that redirects any energy that hits her back to the source with equal power; she’s also a competent martial artist. Struggling to understand what she can do in a world she’s never truly known, Tao Jones attempts one path after the other, always hoping not to commit any irremediable mistake on the way.


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