Lion God (Hathor-Sekhmet)

Another deity appearing in Thor: Love and Thunder can be spotted right above Korg as the heroes enter Omnipotence City in their stolen robes: we can see a huge white cat, similar to a lion, lazily asleep on the front door. That’s Sekhmet, another god(dess) mentioned by T’Challa as part of Wakandan religion, of course “borrowed” like Bast from Egyptian tradition. We also met her avatar in Moon Knight, portrayed by Díana Bermudez, who represented her Hathor persona. The Marvel Universe, in fact, takes from Egyptian myth the complexity of Sekhmet’s identity, and translates it into its stories: let’s see together.

Hathor was born eons ago in Pilak, Egypt, daughter of Ammon Ra, God of the Sun, and Nut, Goddess of the Sky. Hathor was gentle and benevolent, and became the Goddess of Love and Music. She raised young Horus when he was a baby, and when he became an adult she married him, always standing by his side during his heroic adventures. When Ammon Ra felt betrayed by humanity, however, he sent Hathor to punish them, believing that her discipline would have been more merciful than his own, but he was tragically wrong: possessed by an unprecedented bloodlust, Hathor transformed into the raging Sekhmet, Goddess of War and Destruction, and started laying waste upon all Egypt. Not even Ammon Ra was able to stop the murdering goddess, as she destroyed half of the country in her blind rage. Finally, using her thirst for blood against her, Ammon Ra dyed 7000 jars of beer red, and Sekhmet, mistaking it for blood, drank herself unconscious with it. As she calmed down, she reverted to her Hathor persona. Ra attempted with his magic to prevent other transformations, but eventually Hathor became Sekhmet again, this time as a male god. He shared with his sibling Bastet, another feline deity with both male and female aspects, the country of Egypt, watching over Upper Egypt while Bastet took Lower Egypt. He successfully defeated the demon Apep, and with that he became the protector of pharaohs, one of the main gods in the Ennead. Eventually, he moved to Memphis and absorbed also Bastet’s land, remaining unrivaled… until the age of pharaohs passed, and Sekhmet like his peers had to find another home. He moved to Wakanda, but here he found that Bast had already established his cult as the Panther God. Limited to a fringe cult, known as the Lion God, Sekhmet started to become jealous of Bast, and had his cult threaten Wakanda from the inside, never managing to regain his lost power and influence. To learn his sibling’s secret, Sekhmet decided to attack his avatar, the Black Panther.

After possessing the body of Umbala, a journalist sacrificed to him by his cult, the Lion God traveled to the Avengers Mansion, and here he successfully kidnapped Black Panther, interrogating him to learn how Bast could maintain his cult strong without letting himself be seen. The avatar didn’t answer, so the Lion God threatened the lives of the Avengers… without realizing that a fellow god was among them, Thor, who destroyed his avatar with a thunderbolt. Without a corporeal form, Sekhmet took shelter underneath the mansion, waiting. Finally, he was accidentally summoned by Mantis and Swordsman, who apparently allied with him against their teammates: as he was about to burn Black Panther alive, though, Mantis hypnotized him, giving Iron Man the time to lock his essence into a cylinder of unbreakable Adamantium, that Thor exiled in another dimension. The cylinder, however, was made to contain Sekhmet, and when he reverted to his Hathor form, she was able to break free, coming back on Earth just in time to help Gaea gather the Young Gods to be presented to the Celestials’ Fourth Host and convince them of humanity’s worth and right to existence. Hathor, however, could contain Sekhmet’s rage only for a limited time, and eventually she reverted back to her destructive form, this time moving war on Apep again and taking from him control of Duat, the Egyptian afterlife. With Apep as her slave, Sekhmet ruled over Duat, while her cultists still tried to overthrow Bast in Wakanda by murdering the Black Panther, even summoning Morlun to aid them. It was in her new dominion that Sekhmet met Thor again: he was accompanied by a mortal, Amadeus Cho, and they wanted to take the Book of Thoth before the evil Vali Halfling could. Sekhmet, however, would have never allowed anyone to take the book, and was ready for her guests: it had been ages since she last tasted fresh, living blood…

Hathor is a gentle and loving goddess, while Sekhmet is a raging and bloodthirsty one, two opposite aspects of the same deity who coexist in one single entity. One of the most powerful among the Enneads, he/she possesses superhuman strength, agility, speed and durability (even enhanced in Sekhmet’s form), immortality and the ability to teleport even between dimensions; as Hathor, she can enthrall event he most brutal heart with her music, while has Sekhmet she possesses uncanny fighting abilities and sharp fangs and claws; in her Lion God form, he uses a Totem-Stick that allows him to use telekinesis and to summon lions to his commands. A being of contradiction, Hathor-Sekhmet is the Mistress of Heaven and the Lady of Slaughter, the Lady of the Stars and the Devourer of Hearts, harbinger of life and bringer of death, a primeval power who knows no opposite and reunites in himself/herself all aspects of existence.


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