Porcupine (Alexander “Alex” Gentry)

The new episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law introduced several new characters from the comics, and albeit we saw them all in one of the trailers, we had to wait for an official confirmation on two of them. The first one is the Porcupine, one of Emil Blonsky‘s guests who follows the Abomaste philosophy. Portrayed by Jordan Aaron Ford, there’s no mention of the real name of the Porcupine seen in The Retreat, and thus we can assume him to be the first man who ever put on the suit, Alexander Gentry, a genius scientist sworn enemy to another big brain in the Marvel Universe. Let’s see together.

Alexander Gentry was a brilliant weapons designer who lived in New York City. He worked for the US Army, and developed several innovative weapons for them; his dream project, however, was a battle suit inspired by the porcupine, a nearly impenetrable armor covered in quills, each of which hid a different weapon or asset. For many months, Gentry worked overtime to finish his life work, sure that his suit would have been worthy a fortune when it was completed… but with the experience coming from his other projects, he also realized that, as a public employee, the Army would have paid nothing for his invention. Angered by the perspective, Gentry changed his plans: he would have kept the power suit for himself, and would have become rich by becoming an unstoppable criminal, powered by the greatest technological achievement of his time. As the Porcupine, Gentry became one of the first super criminals of his generation, something he was sure the world wasn’t prepared for. His predictions were right, at least for what concerned regular police force: as an allegedly robbery-proof bank was inaugurated, the Porcupine came as an uninvited guest, sent everyone to the land of dreams with sleeping gas, and calmly robbed the bank, coming back to the military base with nobody noticing… well, nobody but some ants. The insects were the scouts of Ant-Man, who came after him: facing another empowered individual for the first time, Porcupine fared off pretty well, and defeated and captured his opponent. When also The Wasp joined the fray and freed her ally, however, tables turned: the two miniaturized heroes used liquid cement to block his weaponized quills, and Gentry had no choice but to escape leaving his suit behind. This was but a minor nuisance, but it had hurt Porcupine’s pride: he decided to take care of Ant-Man (later Giant-Man) and the Wasp, and devised a plan to infiltrate their lab, joining a group of fans dressed as some of the heroes’ enemies. When he revealed himself as the real deal, it was to capture Wasp and flee.

This was not the end of his plan, though: soon he let the Wasp escape, following her to find out her and Giant-Man’s secret identities. When he got to an apartment in New Jersey, however, he found Giant-Man ready for battle: the two clashed, and Porcupine eventually managed to grab what he thought were the pills the hero used to become a giant. He took them sure to gain an advantage… but they were actually shrinking pills, and taking that many, the villain was shrunk to subatomic size. Seemingly disappeared into nothingness, the Porcupine managed to survive thanks to his suit, that provided him with oxygen and allowed him to defend himself against the many predators of the micro-world. It took months, but finally the effect of the Pym Particles wore off, and Porcupine was returned to his original size. Still meditating vengeance, he gladly joined Dr. Doom, who was organizing a team to crash the wedding between Reed Richards and Sue Storm, which would have been attended by the world’s greatest heroes, his nemesis included. Also this time, however, Porcupine was soundly defeated, and his confidence in his genius and in his equipment started to be seriously shaken. Eager to prove himself, Porcupine accepted Count Nefaria‘s offer to join his team, and together with Unicorn, Eel, Scarecrow and Plantman he formed a special Maggia task force, tasked with “abducting” half of Washington D.C. for ransom. This time, it was the X-Men who intervened, and once again Porcupine suffered a humiliating defeat: he managed to escape, and while he blamed Nefaria’s leadership and his teammates’ incompetence for his umpteenth failure, he was seriously doubting his adequacy in a world full of “true” superheroes and supervillains, with actual powers rather than a mere weaponized suit. He had yet another confirmation when, fighting alongside Batroc and his Brigade, he was defeated even by a regular (albeit highly trained) human being like Captain America. Despite all the evidence, though, it was now a matter of honor and self-esteem: the Porcupine swore he would have never quit, and he would have never been defeated again. He just needed some upgrades to his suit…

A man driven by his intelligence as much as by his pride, Alexander Gentry is a talented weapons designer, who desperately tries to keep a high opinion of himself and his work despite all evidence pointing at him overestimated himself a bit. As the Porcupine, he wears a very resistant power armor covered in quills, each of which is a hidden weapon: he has razor-sharp quills he uses as projectiles, while other quills can shoot lasers, sleeping gas, tear gas, fire, rockets, bombs, electricity, liquid cement and much more; the suit also grants him enhanced strength, and he can use it to fly for short distances. Projecting, building and controlling a suit like his own takes a high degree of intelligence and resourcefulness, and the Porcupine is rightfully proud of his work… unfortunately, the world changed very quickly, and this once arrogant criminal now finds himself as a very insecure small fish in a vast ocean.


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