Kang the Conqueror (Nathaniel Richards)

Obviously, the scene in the Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania trailer is all for the big bad, the one who will (allegedly) be the new Thanos in the next phases of the MCU. First introduced in Loki as a variant of He Who Remains, we finally witness the glorious debut of Kang the Conqueror, always portrayed by Jonathan Majors, one of the greatest foes of the Avengers. This brutal time traveler appears to be imprisoned in the Quantum Realm, and it looks like he will make some sort of deal with Ant-Man to regain his freedom. Waiting to see what Kang’s path to Avengers: The Kang Dynasty will be, let’s take a good look at his comicbook counterpart.

Nathaniel Richards was born on another Earth, in another time. He was native to the XXX Century of Earth-6311, a reality in which the world had never stopped its technological and scientific advancement, and that had as a result developed futuristic technology in great advance to other similar Earths. The XX Century of Earth-6311 had been an era of wars and conflict, until a time traveler named Nathaniel Richards came to show a way of peace and cooperation: this Nathaniel was a direct descendant of the peace-bringer… and he was bored of the calm reality he lived in, a world devoid of any challenge, of any motivation for a brilliant and ambitious mind such as his own. His perspective changed the day he found a time machine, perfectly functional: if he couldn’t find the fate of glory he believed he deserved in his time, he would have traveled to precedent eras, where his technological superiority would have granted him an insurmountable advantage against any adversary. After a time spent in Ancient Egypt as Pharaoh Rama-Tut, Richards was forced to abandon that time by other travelers, the Fantastic Four, but during his travel back home he was caught in a time storm, and he landed on Earth-616… where he met Dr. Doom, the one who would have become his inspiration. Following Doom’s example, Richards created another identity, that of Kang the Conqueror, and moved further in time… but the same storm caused him to arrive to the XL Century instead, a world that had come back to its old ways and had started new wars, but that had lost the knowledge of the XXX Century technology, and was thus fighting with ancient weapons. Seeking an opportunity, Kang collected all the technology from his time he could find, and he used it to become a god among men: he single-handedly conquered the entire planet, defeating one faction after another and adding their armies to his own. When the planet was his, he turned his attention to space, vanquishing mighty empires, until the entire galaxy was his to command. And then, like Alexander the Great, he wept, for he had no more lands to conquer.

Brooding over a dying reality that again offered no more challenges to his warmongering spirit, Kang remembered his meeting with Doom, and most of all of his time, filled with wonders, with super soldiers and gods and science monsters more powerful than any foe he had ever vanquished. Deeming it a land truly worth conquering, Kang started studying that time, and even stumbled upon ancient and incomplete historical recordings, that chronicled the birth in the XX Century of a Celestial Madonna that birthed the most powerful man ever lived… Kang, of course, decided he had to be the father of such a prodigy. After making his researches on his new target, Kang the Conqueror decided that he wouldn’t have required his full might to conquer such a primitive time: using his time ship, he traveled to Washington D.C., where he was immediately greeted by the full force of the US Army… that he effortlessly destroyed with his advanced weaponry, humiliating the world’s mightiest military power. Only then the Avengers, the so-called Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, appeared, but Kang was unimpressed: he defeated them all, took them prisoners to have valuable hostages to blackmail the world with, and even sent Captain America back to the 1940s, as he didn’t like his “displacement”. Kang, however, missed two Avengers: the Wasp, that escaped his sight, and Rick Jones, who he didn’t even consider worthy of his attention. The two of them asked for Mr. Fantastic‘s help, and with him they “rescued” Captain America from 1945. Kang, oblivious to these events, welcomed the first turncoats in his army, the Teen Brigade, young warriors he would have made good use to… if not for the fact that Jones and Cap where among them, and they freed all their comrades. This time, the Avengers were prepared: when Kang tried to use a Neutrino Missile, Iron Man took care of destroying it, while when he resorted to radiations, Thor sent them back to him. As a result, Kang’s armor was heavily damaged, and he was forced to flee back to his time. This travel, and the ones that followed, created a number of divergent Kangs, each with their own story and dominions… and each one of them with a score to settle with the Avengers of Earth-616.

A man of impossible genius for modern standards and with just as great ambition, Nathaniel Richards is easily bored by stability and peace, and seeks to write history by directly forging it through war. As Kang the Conqueror, he doesn’t possess any superhuman power, but his military genius alone would be enough to make him a formidable opponent, and he’s a master of armed and unarmed combat capable of holding his own against Earth-616’s greatest fighters; his access to the technology of any possible timeline and of alien worlds make him a foe almost unbeatable for any world he had encountered: his battle armor alone grants him enhanced strength and durability, flight, the ability to shoot powerful concussive bolts and to project illusions and holograms, self-propelled time travel, immediate access via teleportation from his arsenal to any weapon he can think of, and even a “backup conscience” recorded by nanobots in his helmet. With a virtually limitless army, a fleet of ships only one of which would be able to destroy a planet, and an extensive knowledge over any timeline and time era, Kang the Conqueror is absolutely fearless, a relentless warlord who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal… and his goals are usually entire worlds.